
Patent – 1 license of use 

“Goosevent” patent

Air ejector with a joint for controlling an air flow


Patent – 1 license of use


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Patent application by ZUSE GmbH
Rights holder: ZUSE GmbH

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Patent description:

Air ejector with a joint for controlling an air flow

An air ejector having a joint for controlling an air flow is described. The air ejector has a housing surrounding an air duct and a vertically pivotable joint. The housing has an air inlet portion, a center portion, and an air outlet portion. The air inlet section opens in the center section toward the air outlet section in a semicircular shape. The air outlet section is supported in the center section in a funnel shape within the semicircular shape of the air inlet section. In this way, the center section forms a joint which is mounted in the center about a pivot axis and can describe a vertically extending movement and thus vertically deflect the air outlet channel with the introduced air flow.